I am able to use ultra, and turn off SSAO, motion blur, depth of field(both cinematic and in game) and ubersamping. resolution 1920x1200 smooth for mot of the part but little laggy and stutter in forest and large terrian
mtaylor: I have a macbook pro almost identical to your laptop in terms of processor, GPU and ram.
I am using the 11.5b ATI hotfix drivers and patch 1.1 on windows 7 pro 64-bit
Here are my settings:
Screen Resolution 1440x900 Fullscreen
Texture Downscaling: None
Texture Memory Size: Medium
Shadow Quality: High
Number of Shadowed Lights: High
LOD Distance: Near
Bloom: Enabled
Light Shafts: Enabled
Anti-ailiasing: Disabled
Blur Effects: Enabled
Depth of Field - Gameplay: Enabled
Vignette: Enabled
Wet Surfaces Rain Effect: Enabled
SSAO: Enabled
Motion Blur: Enabled
Cinematic Depth of Field: Disabled
Depth of Field - Cutscenes: Enabled
Dangling Objects Limit: Disabled
UberSampling: Disabled
Vertical Sync: Enabled
Decals: High Spec
Game is responsive although it will drop frames occasionally, probably because of caching on my slow hard-drive. I can't prove that it helps, but I did the following in the command window to increase the memory usage of NTFS:
fsutil behavior set memoryusage 2
and I disabled Aero when launching the game by doing this:
right click launcher shortcut -> Compatibility tab -> Disable Desktop Composition -> Apply
To answer your questions though, I've found that decreasing the resolution allows the game to run smoother with more stuff turned on and running it at 1920x1200 on low spec even seems to run slow for me. I'm not sure how to check the fps, so no real ability to tell you real numbers.