Grimnir19: So I started off a game with my old witcher 1 save file (Where I started off with D'yaebel, Raven's armor and Aerondight), I'm almost done with chapter 2 and throughout the game I've been replacing my steel sword at a rather steady rate (D'yaebl--->Robust cutlass--->Temerian---->Kaedwani) but so far I have found no silver sword to match Aerondight's power. My question is, have I missed something? Could I have found a better silver sword?
I imported my Moonblade 14-22dmg =24%bleed =5%signs I shoulda used my Aerondight??
Prologue had it rated @ same dmg but only 5%bleed?? Ch1 reclaim was much, much better stats!?
I'm not even using a steel sword got the Guisarme(pole with nails in it) 12-16dmg knockdown 7% and stun10% so which "steel" should I look for??? During the Prologue I was using a Pickaxe!! (guess I'm known as the Peasant Witcher)
Thought the skeleton quest was only if you didn't have a TW1 save?? No slots that I know how to use..I've only done a few quests in Ch_1 so far....The other thing I notice is that just because you persue a quest line it doesn't mean you've actually fully achieved it(Distractions for example...theres more to it if you got caught by a guard there was more beyond it BUT you'd never know because it logically follows the storyline).