ArnoldJ.Rimmer: I have been waiting to see one those threads,but none yet,you can tell when someone is having that problem,theres usually an awful lot of f`ing and screaching about "crappy game" "lousy f`ing bugs" "poxy devs this and poxy game thats"
As usually pirated games are so crash happy and bug ridden the users get frothy as hell on a forum.
AudreyWinter: Where have you been living? Who planted that DRM promoting mindset into your head? ;)
It is a fact well known, that pirates (or freeloaders, as the pirates are the ones providing the booty) have the least problems with their games. Because cracks don't stuff up exes, but actually lighten their load by removing the piece of software you didn't really intended to buy in the first place, let alone have it wreak havoc on your computer (yes, you guessed right, I indeed purchased TW2 on GoG, because I would not have bought a SecuROM infested game).
Imagine having the game and every 5 mins it crashes or glitchs...lmao,it must ta ke years off a life in sheer stress terms.
AudreyWinter: That made me laugh so hard, because... I had those crashes every five minutes - until I disabled all DOF effects. Which I would've liked to use. Well, maybe that is one of the things they implemented for pirates, like they proudly annouonced, to spoil their fun with the game.
Just kidding. But that is a thing I've read on several game forums now: devs made "traps" for pirates. And when legit players are crippled by weird errors, they get branded as pirates, because everybody knows, only illegal copies behave weirdly...
OP: What is more annoying, having your game crippled because you bought a box, or watching affected gamers find a workaround and applying it (a Red even said it's ok)?
You know its really quite easy to fish out pirated or stolen games,for example,you can just adjust a few lines of code that look totally innocent,but in fact alter a tiny part of a games structure so for instance [from experience] a tiny tweak made a gun not fit and be unmountable,so everytime i saw a post on a forum about that gun not mounting,i knew for a fact they were using a bent version of the game.
and this practice is indeed widespread,just watch for support requests that are ignored,9/10 times its an intended error.
As for pirated games running better thats just wrong,there are a miriad of posts out there of screaming pirates begging for "cracks" that work.
remember the mafia game,or was it godfather,where you either couldnt get in a car or out ?,that was a developer trap,there have been many.
no offence intended and not berating,just informing ;)
ps..I too think securom is outdated and useless and just affects genuine buyers,as any DRM is supposed to protect a game for the first months sales only,and securom is failing badly at this one fact.
I think developer "sneak tweaks" are the future,that way they can be renewed at every patch or activation,imagine witcher 2 where you couldnt swing your sword or suchlike.. ;)