einarabelc5: The problem is not WHAT you do. But HOW you do it. If you create drama in your posts people will see it as that and disregard whatever value you're giving. It's an effect of the subconscious and it is very true. If you can't see that you're creating drama by complaining then you probably are.
Ebon-Hawk: Here you should differentiate between drama and being rude, I intended to be somewhat rude which does not constitute at creating drama... two different things.
Being rude is nothing but another way of creating drama. I dare say drama is so embedded in our society that very few people report the details without making things mean anything in their heads. That takes you out connection. People get distracted by seeking the meaning of things in the sidelines and discussing all day about without tackling anything real. Just report the details. That would be the link. Whatever he chooses to do with it it's his concern. Judgement, punishment and fast conclusions are all forms of drama. It's our brains tending to jump in autopilot to try to solve one more problem so it can jump to the next. We have become so addicted at solving problems that we create them just so we can solve them. And that's similar to what you did. You took him being clueless as an offense, punished him by insult and rudeness and then complained about people being clueless and asking redundant questions. All that is drama because is based in a lot of automatic assumptions. It's a lot easier and less energy consuming to just post the link. I mean you were gonna post it anyways. Complaining about it is not gonna solve anything except the problem of the reality you've created with your opinion based on your limited experience of people being clueless.