kamishky: Yeah, silly me. I expected that a game in dev for more than 2 years would be launched in a non-beta state. And that when I have problems, I'd have some ability to get help other than snarky comments.
Wow, just wow. I played through this game with minimal issues (really just the FPS issue due to 3d vision drivers), and you are calling it a "beta" game? How long have you been computer gaming? Welcome to the club, you must be a new member?
As a computer game there is virtually no possible way it could be released on day one without not working on someone's randomly configured machine. Not even if they prepared this game for 10 years, could they release it without issues happening to at least a certain percentage. This is a phenomenon that does not happen to current generation consoles as they are not modular as far as internal hardware goes, outside maybe a hard drive change or tightly regulated external accessories.
Also, I've yet to experience any of the issues you speak of (not saying it is not an issue), but that is just the nature of the beast. Give them time to work out all the snags, they have done an excellent job developing this game. However, I would like to have dialogue volume separate from environment sounds as in a loud environment voices do tend to be slightly harder to hear. I think that is what you mean?