Gidzin: Did you ever play Obsidian?? You are going to judge a game as an RPG from its trailers???
If thats the case then the Witcher series is just another adventure game also!! The W2 fails as an RPG on so many levels!! You have a character development menu, that is obtuse, combat that at least is more interesting, and an insufficient weapon/magic system that is childish and undeveloped. a closed world and a story telling that seems adult but is more like a comic book implementation; no transtitional Role Playing elements at all. I would re-evalutate your comments as ignorent at the least or in the FANBOY category!!
1) Obsidian is not Bethesda , the game was Fall Out New Vegas , and yes it was a step in the right direction in term of content and RPG elements , it was decent , but too childish in the story and characters , and the world empty , seriously , New Vegas city is just one alley with 3 small casinos and that's the biggest place you visit , cities are like 6 houses with nothing inside and 2 quest per "city" , let's be honest , if you call that an immersive world then we haven't got much to discuss
2) I "m a huge fan of Morrowind , the game that "started it all" for me , and if you look at its sucessor Oblivion , there has been a sharp turn toward Action/adventure , no choices no real RPG , childish environment and repetitive quests ...
at the end of the game you have 100% in every skill , own every single guild , it's linear gameplay because no matter if you are Mage or warrior , you end up with the same stats at the end (max stats in everything ) and 95% of your gameplay is emptying dark Dungeons instead of roleplaying interesting quests like in Morrowind , moreover half the quests are FEDEX quests and the story much less interesting than in the first elder scrolls .
Most of the fun in the latest Bethesda games was actually collecting items and wandering the world to level up / Maybe it's fine with kids who love top quality graphics and monsters to kill , bur for people who plays such games since 20 years and look for an in depth RPG experience , it is an epic fail and disappointment since a decade , i'm grateful CD projekt came up with the first Witcher and ended the drought . Also If i want a good shooter with RPG elements and more immersion , i play Stalker for instance
Also i just gave my thoughts and impression on the Skyrim trailer bethesda released so far , they didn't advertise the roleplaying elements , the possibility of your choices influencing the world and the characters , the depth of the story , no , they only advertised on action and combat only .... that is a fact ... i just merely echoed that fact and the fear i have that Skyrim may not be a return to a more "true" RPG like Morrowind , but instead will try to take the "action-adventure" direction because it sells more .... especially to the console audience that is younger on average ...
anyway , i really hope i will be proven wrong and that Skyrim will be set in an immersive world with large cities , true RPG decisions and choices that have influence on the quest and world , interesting quests and main story etc ... and that it won't be mainly an action-fantasy game with elements of RPG like Oblivion was