Posted May 28, 2011

As for boss fights/encounters, what would you rather have instead of those QTEs? I mean you can have non-interactive cutscenes instead but I think the devs implemented QTEs to make those potential non-interactive cutscenes more interesting.
After like 3 QTE fist fights you will get bored with the delay as your character have to move back to the normal position before you can "swing" again. There are many ways they could have improved upon the first fighting. Combo's, the ability to dodge, to block in more interesting ways. Instead we get... all looks and no gameplay.
Well for example i would have the fights more "open" allowing the player to think of more ways to kill the boss and not just scripted stuff. I will take the dragon as a example. As i was dying there over and over again (yes i could have abused it with bombs but still). As i tried to do it in the normal way on hard i was like "hey maybe i can trap it or use a magic and it will have some kind of effect on the dragon!"... Oh... Nothing happens!
Overall even if they removed the QTE from some of the boss fights they are still boring in how they are made. All looks and no real fight...
Anyway what i would rather have is player interaction outside of QTE with how you kill the boss. Rather then press "A" = you win. Allowing spells to work better. bombs, traps would have been a good start instead of scripting everything.