227: Actually, the "Legion" quote was from a demon who was possessing a person, so... the biblical quote wasn't exactly doing too much to indicate that they're good, either.
Interesting fact: the demon/s was/were exorcised and sent into pigs, who then drowned themselves. Suicidal pigs in ME3 confirmed.
Thanks for the update, I wasn't that striving to cover its backround up, I was just pleased that there was a biblical refference:P In this case , I have to admit that either they don't make difference between good and bad, or we just simply should trow away the certainty of good willingness of theirs.
Suicidal pigs:)) Lol, if you are correct, and in March as I play ME3, the geth will suicide themselves, you have a beer.:P
BTW, this is OFF topic, lets continue elsewere.