VoodooEconomist: I dislike the changes to parry myself, it's been rendered useless against stronger foes, but aren't we overreacting a bit? I've found it forced me to dodge more, so positioning myself so that I can use terrain and foe positions to my advantage became an additional element to consider. Yeah, the combat became more intense, even hectic at times, and definitely harder due to this metagame shft, but hey; it's a challenge. That's what games are supposed to be, right?
I find this whole rolling around thing bit annoying. While it may be more challenging with the new parry mechanics, it is just stupid. What's the point of parrying if it doesn't block almost any damage? Why not remove it altogether? The game is already a rollfest as it is.
Don't you think that it would be more reallistic if a master swordsman like Geralt should be able to parry blows without breaking a sweat?
For me this thing is a game breaker and i really don't think i'm overreacting.