bigheads: I would love to see a mod or patch that allowed bodies to stay for a while before turning into little puddles of entrails. I have had to reload several times after the Arachas fight because I could not find the loot under the vegetation, even with the medallion active. I need to kill the thing near a landmark of some sort to be able to find its body.
There is a mod for this I think.
Check out the stickied mod thread, it might be in there.
Someone definitely found the values you can change in a file that looked like it referred to mob body duration.
vpmichael__: ... on my current playthrough I decided to make a mental note of where the arachas was when I slew him and told to Iorveth to wait for me.
Yes this is what I did. I told Iorveth that I'd catch up with him and then I just used my medallion to find the loot.
However, it didn't light it straight away. I wandered around the clearing a little bit, back and forth, and then it appeared. Try it out.