Posted June 05, 2011

New User
Registered: May 2011
From France

New User
Registered: May 2011
From Poland
Posted June 05, 2011

Force hairstyle mod, by me. Was much easier to make than I expected.

New User
Registered: Nov 2010
From United States
Posted June 05, 2011
I don't know if this is possible yet, but I'd like to see a mod that changes Garalt's face so that it resembles the look of Witcher 1. There's just something about this face that I find disturbing. The ability to change the hairstyle to the original that was released in the newest patch was a welcome sight. I just like continuity.

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States

Registered: Dec 2008
From United States
Posted June 05, 2011

Adds a miscellaneous items filter and sorting options to various lists in the UI panels, namely the inventory and trading panels at this time. The panel to drink potions from is also sorted alphabetically, with even more panels planned for later.
Nexus project page:
Download Mirror:
----------------------------- (updated to v1.0.1)
Loos like TW2 modding community has its own version of Darn!
Post edited June 05, 2011 by cbarbagallo

Registered: May 2011
From Canada
Posted June 05, 2011
New Mod -- Ultimate Mage ver 1.0 -- from Game Mods Core
Hope you all like it.
Who Made this ?
This Mod was made by Mv.c9 -- from
where the mods home will be, more updates and details
will be posted there.
What does it do ?
This mod focuses on increasing the geralt Maagical Abilities
while at the same time decresing his abilities with sword
he will have more powerful signs, a higher vigor regeneration
but also blocks less damage and does less damage.
BUT this is not all, if geralts magical powers incrase that
doesnt mean other mages wont benefit as well, hence why I also
boosted their power, they will have fireballs that will reach
geralt from a longer distance and have a more powerful magical
shield so this is not really a cheat mod, but more of an
Advanced Mage abilities mod, hence why the name of the mod is
Ultra Mage Mod.
This mod also adds Mutagens at specific signs enhancing skills
for instance a sign enhancing aard, igni will have a mutagen,
while the enhanced axxi and Ques wont, instead the Venting
will have a mutagen slot.
remember this mod is to make geralt as a mage useful. Magic
is no longer a simple tool that is combined, but more of an
intrument used to battle. this will also allow you to leave
the concept of using swords and use other secondary weapon
such as helberd and axes.
More detail ?
Why more detail on exactly how much is not given and only
rough values as how much ? well . . . I thought giving
people numbers will only be a turn off, and I rather
have them explore it themselves. it would be more fun.
Remember GMC policy is based on secrecy and user satisfaction,
so as long as there is thrill in mystery, we tend to give you
the satisfaction.
I will of course give you a rough idea of what you should be
expecting from the mod.
---- GERALT ----
-- Igni --
1. Damage Increase
2. Higher Chance to Burn Enemies
3. Higher duration of Enemies Burning
4. Distance for a successful hit is now 5 times higher
5. hit damage is now Doubled
6. Max reachable distance is now doubled
7. Enhanced Igni now gives a mutagen slot
-- Ard --
1. Higher chance of Knocking down
2. Higher Speed of reaching the enemies
3. Sign radius doubled
4. Sign distance doubled
5. Enhanced Aard now gives a mutagen slot
-- Yrden --
1. Yrden take longer time to disperse if not triggered
2. Yrden now inflicts minimal damage like its predecessor in withcer 1
-- Axxi --
1. casting speed is now increased
2. max distance is now doubled
-- Quen --
1. Quen is now more power
2. The original duration is doubled
-- Heliotrop --
1. The Sign now stays longer
---- OTHER NPC ----
1. More powerful Fire Attack
2. More Range
3. More radius
More on:
Hope you all like it.
Who Made this ?
This Mod was made by Mv.c9 -- from
where the mods home will be, more updates and details
will be posted there.
What does it do ?
This mod focuses on increasing the geralt Maagical Abilities
while at the same time decresing his abilities with sword
he will have more powerful signs, a higher vigor regeneration
but also blocks less damage and does less damage.
BUT this is not all, if geralts magical powers incrase that
doesnt mean other mages wont benefit as well, hence why I also
boosted their power, they will have fireballs that will reach
geralt from a longer distance and have a more powerful magical
shield so this is not really a cheat mod, but more of an
Advanced Mage abilities mod, hence why the name of the mod is
Ultra Mage Mod.
This mod also adds Mutagens at specific signs enhancing skills
for instance a sign enhancing aard, igni will have a mutagen,
while the enhanced axxi and Ques wont, instead the Venting
will have a mutagen slot.
remember this mod is to make geralt as a mage useful. Magic
is no longer a simple tool that is combined, but more of an
intrument used to battle. this will also allow you to leave
the concept of using swords and use other secondary weapon
such as helberd and axes.
More detail ?
Why more detail on exactly how much is not given and only
rough values as how much ? well . . . I thought giving
people numbers will only be a turn off, and I rather
have them explore it themselves. it would be more fun.
Remember GMC policy is based on secrecy and user satisfaction,
so as long as there is thrill in mystery, we tend to give you
the satisfaction.
I will of course give you a rough idea of what you should be
expecting from the mod.
---- GERALT ----
-- Igni --
1. Damage Increase
2. Higher Chance to Burn Enemies
3. Higher duration of Enemies Burning
4. Distance for a successful hit is now 5 times higher
5. hit damage is now Doubled
6. Max reachable distance is now doubled
7. Enhanced Igni now gives a mutagen slot
-- Ard --
1. Higher chance of Knocking down
2. Higher Speed of reaching the enemies
3. Sign radius doubled
4. Sign distance doubled
5. Enhanced Aard now gives a mutagen slot
-- Yrden --
1. Yrden take longer time to disperse if not triggered
2. Yrden now inflicts minimal damage like its predecessor in withcer 1
-- Axxi --
1. casting speed is now increased
2. max distance is now doubled
-- Quen --
1. Quen is now more power
2. The original duration is doubled
-- Heliotrop --
1. The Sign now stays longer
---- OTHER NPC ----
1. More powerful Fire Attack
2. More Range
3. More radius
More on:

Totally Insane
Registered: May 2011
From Brazil
Posted June 05, 2011

Adds a miscellaneous items filter and sorting options to various lists in the UI panels, namely the inventory and trading panels at this time. The panel to drink potions from is also sorted alphabetically, with even more panels planned for later.
Nexus project page:
Download Mirror:
----------------------------- (updated to v1.0.1)

New User
Registered: Mar 2009
From Estonia
Posted June 05, 2011

Adds a miscellaneous items filter and sorting options to various lists in the UI panels, namely the inventory and trading panels at this time. The panel to drink potions from is also sorted alphabetically, with even more panels planned for later.
Nexus project page:
Download Mirror:
----------------------------- (updated to v1.0.1)

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From Canada
Posted June 05, 2011

Adds a miscellaneous items filter and sorting options to various lists in the UI panels, namely the inventory and trading panels at this time. The panel to drink potions from is also sorted alphabetically, with even more panels planned for later.
Nexus project page:
Download Mirror:
----------------------------- (updated to v1.0.1)

Edit: That button is out to get me. Hang on while I fix the fix.
Post edited June 05, 2011 by antihero_

Registered: Nov 2010
From United States
Posted June 05, 2011

Price is fubar.
The duration still works for me tho.
I don't like 1.2 now after redoing the game and starting over. Prologue is very simple after you did it once.. Xboxers will like it now!!

Registered: May 2011
From Australia
Posted June 05, 2011
I normally do not use mods, however I do believe that Witcher 2 could benefit from the following:
1. Inventory mod that allows you to manually control the sorting order in your inventory, down to the position of the items in a specific section, I would basically like to be able to impose my own order of items in the backpack.
2. Inventory mod that allows me to hide quest items for completed quests, basically if a quest is completed the item should disappear from the inventory view all together, perhaps a toggle option for hide quest items for completed quests / see all quest items would be the best.
3. Inventory mod that allows for a view of junk items and allows you to move items you do not want to use or do not care for to junk. It would appear that this is one of the few rare things that Dragon Age gotten right and considering the magnitude of the items in any modern role playing game this is a must.
4. Storage chest, perhaps attached to a caravan master (similar to a mysterious merchant) that allows you to store and retrieve items (again with a purpose of keeping the inventory neat and easy to process) for when I play the game I want to enjoy the game and not spend time sorting out through my backpack.
5. Casual sex encounters, I am sure someone is going to master the use of sex scenes generator engine (as used with prostitutes) soon enough, please put that skill to good use and allow for liaisons with other NPCs, personally I would like to see Gerald expend his tastes...
That's all I can think of for now... keep up the good work :)
Kind Regards
1. Inventory mod that allows you to manually control the sorting order in your inventory, down to the position of the items in a specific section, I would basically like to be able to impose my own order of items in the backpack.
2. Inventory mod that allows me to hide quest items for completed quests, basically if a quest is completed the item should disappear from the inventory view all together, perhaps a toggle option for hide quest items for completed quests / see all quest items would be the best.
3. Inventory mod that allows for a view of junk items and allows you to move items you do not want to use or do not care for to junk. It would appear that this is one of the few rare things that Dragon Age gotten right and considering the magnitude of the items in any modern role playing game this is a must.
4. Storage chest, perhaps attached to a caravan master (similar to a mysterious merchant) that allows you to store and retrieve items (again with a purpose of keeping the inventory neat and easy to process) for when I play the game I want to enjoy the game and not spend time sorting out through my backpack.
5. Casual sex encounters, I am sure someone is going to master the use of sex scenes generator engine (as used with prostitutes) soon enough, please put that skill to good use and allow for liaisons with other NPCs, personally I would like to see Gerald expend his tastes...
That's all I can think of for now... keep up the good work :)
Kind Regards

New User
Registered: Jan 2011
From New Zealand
Posted June 06, 2011
I still have highest hopes that a save creator for Witcher 1 saves will be made. I've looked at it myself, but there is just so many variables. It comes down to 1's and 0's yes, but with the number of quests present in the game, thats a lot of items.
Theortically you'd just take all the .qst files and use something like the QST Editor to edit the dialog variables for quests. Changing completed to 0 or 1. Adding QST files when needed and repacking. But thats a lot of work.
I don't envy whoever ends up making such a program.
Theortically you'd just take all the .qst files and use something like the QST Editor to edit the dialog variables for quests. Changing completed to 0 or 1. Adding QST files when needed and repacking. But thats a lot of work.
I don't envy whoever ends up making such a program.

New User
Registered: May 2011
From South Africa
Posted June 06, 2011
*sadface* I see you pulled the mod for now. I was looking at the screenshots at work and was going to get it ASAP for my next playthrough.

George Wallace
New User
Registered: Feb 2011
From United States
Posted June 06, 2011
All the mods i've tried don't take effect. I've got WinZip and WinRar and used them many a time. Not sure what's up here.

Totally Insane
Registered: May 2011
From Brazil
Posted June 06, 2011

You have to open the .rar or .zip file and extract them. But the extracted files need to be placed in the right place after you extract them. So read the install ReadME.txt that usually is inside the .zip or .rar and follow the instructions.