Posted July 18, 2011

BTW: I thought about the problem with the controller. Yes, finally back to topic. ^^ I remembered that in some games I had problems with my keyboard and my mouse. It all comes down to the type of keyboard that is used. Is it a normal keyboard, or one with special keys (media control, customizable buttons and so on).
Back in the days it took me some effort to find how to solve the problems, but in the end I realized it had something to do with the devices that are installed in the "Device Manager".
A normal keyboard just installs as one single device driver. A gaming-keyboard with all it's special features though installs several devices.
I solved my problem via trial and error, by disabling devices of the keyboard driver in the "Device Manager" (one by one), always testing whether the basic features of the keyboard stay intact, or not. Once I disabled all the non-essential devices those games giving me trouble before ran without a flaw.
It's not a real solution though. The special buttons on your keyboard wont work after that. But in these cases it was more important to me that the game run flawlessly. And when you've finished the game or when a patch solves the problem you can reactivate the device drivers.