Rogue17: It seems the major hitcher for me is the difficulty. I love the game, LOVE IT. But it's too damn difficult even on easy. I can't get out of Flotsam. Honestly, I usually don't use cheats or trainers, but if anyone can find a free one, I'll use it. PLEASE.
I doubt that CDPR will provide many cheats, and modders haven't had much time to work yet. If you are mainly having trouble with the boss fights, there are very good strategy tips going up all over the forums. If it's the combat in general, take a deep breath and keep at it. Let yourself learn the system. Save where you need to, and don't be afraid of dying. This game is a little bit like Demon's Souls in the sense that fighting requires thought and timing. Use Quen for extra hit protection. Use Aard and Igni for staggering and extra damage. It's not always the raw clickfest that you get in cRPGs. It takes getting used to, but you'll be fine.