Posted May 28, 2011

New User
Registered: Nov 2010
From United States

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States

New User
Registered: Apr 2011
From Sweden
Posted May 28, 2011
Eh... Well some times he do the animation of casting but i dont get any shield. However i have not had that delay.
I have also had "you cant do fast attacks" and some times you cant do strong attacks. The list of bugs i have found in the game is very very very very very very long =/
I have also had "you cant do fast attacks" and some times you cant do strong attacks. The list of bugs i have found in the game is very very very very very very long =/

Registered: Sep 2008
From Poland
Posted May 28, 2011
I believe that the problem has been largely avoided when I started to push the button and hold it slightly longer.
The percentage of zero response has decreased dramatically after I started doing that.
The percentage of zero response has decreased dramatically after I started doing that.

Dandelion's seed
Registered: Mar 2011
From Sweden
Posted May 28, 2011
That might be the perfect place to implement vibration on the controller - don't let up until you FEEL it, lol.

New User
Registered: Apr 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted May 29, 2011
I have the opposite problem - mapping that to a click of the analogue stick was a bad move. I used to hit it a lot by accident during combat. That stops you dead in your tracks and can be very, very bad news if badly timed.

New User
Registered: May 2011
From Canada
Posted May 29, 2011
I never noticed an issue with signs, but I did get the strong attack issue with Rotfiends. Its just a matter of Sheathing/taking back out your sword though. Def annoying and should be fixed, but minor issue really.

Dandelion's seed
Registered: Mar 2011
From Sweden
Posted May 29, 2011
Then your stick is under a loooot of pressure when you fight, lol. I usually have to push twice, not even because of the general unresponsiveness, but because I need to apply a lot of force with my little hands. Or the first try pushed the stick to a side and I need to make sure it is 90° before I push again. T'is hard for me to imagine doing it by accident. ;)

New User
Registered: Apr 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted May 30, 2011

New User
Registered: Jan 2009
From United States
Posted May 30, 2011
I agree with the others that it has at least something to do with the animations. Try coming out of a roll and switching swords or throwing a bomb, you have to wait till the "roll - stand up" animation sequence completely stops to do just about anything. Same thing, really, for running away, turning and throwing a bomb (or switching weapons or doing just about anything) it feels like you have to wait for the animation sequence to completely finish. This is kind of frustrating because apparently it takes a long time for Geralt to go from running to standing completely still (pick up an item or go to the radial menu, and you'll be able to see how long the animation sequence really is).
There is a "switch swords while running" animation, but you have to be doing nothing besides running for it to work.
*spoiler I guess* This was most frustrating, as said above, during the "Operator" fight, because you have to keep switching between steel and silver depending on whether you're attacking the operator himself or the gargoyles, and Geralt never seems to respond to commands in a timely fashion.
There is a "switch swords while running" animation, but you have to be doing nothing besides running for it to work.
*spoiler I guess* This was most frustrating, as said above, during the "Operator" fight, because you have to keep switching between steel and silver depending on whether you're attacking the operator himself or the gargoyles, and Geralt never seems to respond to commands in a timely fashion.

New User
Registered: May 2011
From Romania
Posted May 30, 2011
I don't think the problems is with the animations, but something to do with keybindings/keytriggers. For example, the Q key (cast sign) always works, but the problem occurs with the individual signs shortcuts (5 to 9).
Like some one said before me, i can press the key for queen or yrden indefinetly and nothing happens, but if i hit the Q only once it triggers...
Like some one said before me, i can press the key for queen or yrden indefinetly and nothing happens, but if i hit the Q only once it triggers...

New User
Registered: Feb 2011
From United States
Posted May 30, 2011
I'm going to join in and say that I experience this as well.
Press Q and he just stands there... Happens a lot and is very noticeable.
I learned to spam the key while I roll and run away. Whenever he decides to respond, then I turn and face my attackers, pick out an unlucky character and start slicing.
It is bad enough with how long he has to wind up to even throw the spell. sheesh
Press Q and he just stands there... Happens a lot and is very noticeable.
I learned to spam the key while I roll and run away. Whenever he decides to respond, then I turn and face my attackers, pick out an unlucky character and start slicing.
It is bad enough with how long he has to wind up to even throw the spell. sheesh

New User
Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted May 30, 2011
I can't decide if this is more or less annoying than the bomb throwing bug.

Totally Insane
Registered: May 2011
From Brazil
Posted May 30, 2011

slimgrin wrote...
RageGT wrote...
Gosh... I'm a chicken! Still didn't need to use the reload-before-death trick but I'm avoiding combat like a vampire avoids garlic or a crucifix! Done all the non combat quests before venturing in the forest, went for the troll for the "notice board" contract (actually I want the damn hunter's armor asap. Best act 1 armor, imho) and I was so scared of dying before making him yield that I almost pissed my pants when he started hitting... damn thing hit hard in Insane! hehe
First endrega I met on the way gave me a trophy! (+3 AC). First Nekker gave me a Greater Critical Mutagen. I ain't dying... I ain't dying... *repeat to self* ... now to the mother-in-lay b-day party and then win a troll's head in a poker game! {smilie}
Like you said, there is a bug regarding sign casting. This alone would keep me from trying insane difficulty. I would wait till more stuff is patched Rage. Gosh... I'm a chicken! Still didn't need to use the reload-before-death trick but I'm avoiding combat like a vampire avoids garlic or a crucifix! Done all the non combat quests before venturing in the forest, went for the troll for the "notice board" contract (actually I want the damn hunter's armor asap. Best act 1 armor, imho) and I was so scared of dying before making him yield that I almost pissed my pants when he started hitting... damn thing hit hard in Insane! hehe
First endrega I met on the way gave me a trophy! (+3 AC). First Nekker gave me a Greater Critical Mutagen. I ain't dying... I ain't dying... *repeat to self* ... now to the mother-in-lay b-day party and then win a troll's head in a poker game! {smilie}

New User
Registered: May 2011
From Portugal
Posted May 30, 2011
Well i have to agree this is making me go nuts, i am becoming better and better at the game so my fighting style is getting faster lol, i roll i slash i cast signs and bombs and... bugged Geralt everywhere xD, please fix this asap CDP! thanks for a great game :)