lenogden1: If I stay out of the brothels (just like real life), and not select secs acts, can I complete the game and avoid nudity?
I am not sure about the hate over this very simple question. There is no vitriol expressed, no screaming about disgusting nude bodies, just a simple question. I am sure the poster knows this is a mature game, and I am sure he or she knows there is nudity. But perhaps the poster enjoys the game and the story but is uncomfortable with the nudity. He or she will play anyway, but if there is a way to tone it down or avoid it, they wish to do so.
I suspect the answer is no, you can't completely avoid nudity, but you can minimize it. I know that in games like Dragon Age, you can turn off the persistent gore (and I always do, does that make me bad?), but nudity seems to me to be integral to the original graphics so a change would require a fairly major edit. I haven't played Witcher 2 yet as I am suffering from the Great Launcher Issue, but from what I recall of the first game, you did not need to pursue the sexual attentions of the various ladies in the game in order to complete it. You would miss out on very small aspects of the game, but overall the game did not require collecting sex cards. There were characters, such as the Dryad, who were nearly naked so nudity was not completely avoidable.
Just going by the first game, you can likely minimize nudity and safely avoid pursing sexual relations with the NPC's without effecting the main game arch. I suspect you can't avoid nudity all together.