mastorofpuppetz: More "Insult the poster
Kleetus: Uhm, you're the one who resorted to name-calling, calling people idiots etc.
How's the "smart programming" going? LOL!!!
Changing graphics settings on the fly is often the cause of crashes, memory leaks, etc.. driver issues, learn more about PC gaming before saying LOL all the time like a retard.
TigerLord: You can't refute an opinion. An opinion is a subjective statement that can't be measured on a reliable objective scale. There's no correct or incorrect. Everyone is entitled to their opinion based on a purely subjective criterion, or multiple. There is nothing to refute in your posts.
Except the fact you
are a troll, of course.
Except i stated facts, which you keep ignoring because you got owned. How is the game is out on PC and not even finished on console an opinion? How is the game utilizes the latest hardware on PC an opinion? How is Gamepads have been used on PC's since the 80's an opinion?
Youre so stupid you don't know the difference between opinion and a factual statement, LMAO>