Goodmongo: There are two ballista firings in the prologue. The first one is where the king hands you the spyglass and you look through it. The goal is to get it to 1.5 degrees. This is pretty much hit or miss for me and not a real big issue as all you have to do is kill him a little later on.
The second ballista involves QTE's in loading and aiming it. The QTE for aiming is a real pain in the butt. I have found that incrreasing your mouse sensitivity helps a little. Also, hold the mouse with one hans and back the crap out of the left mouse button with the other hand will work.
I saved it and it took me a while to find 1.5 degrees as it was hit and miss.
clstreak: Everyone says theres enough time for the QTE's i barely get a blink im talking quarter of a second to see and react. I dont belive it relates to the game itself on the hard or unchecking, but when i run the game in SLI mode it just blinks or dont show up period. I think its a driver related issue if you run sli. but i could be wrong. But i have lost alot so called easy fist fights becuse this QTE's. Has anyone else noticed this and is running SLI by chance?
bri193: I run a single card (GTX 580) and have noticed a few rather quick letter flashes during fistfights. So, it is not just a SLI thing, and doubt it is a driver issue. It is just the game...
My strategy for fistfights is to position a finger on each of the A, W, and D keys, and ignore the S key when an 'S' flashes. I haven't lost a fight since doing this...
I did that, but then decide that seeing as how I didn't have to use the mouse, I used a finger from that hand on the S key. : )