kojocel: No one at all? :<
Corylea: To the best of my knowledge, what you want is simply not available. I think people aren't answering you because no one knows how/where to get what you want.
Arthandas: No, people aren't answering because there's a secret agreement among the Witcher fans to deny the existence of that abomination...
TPR: @kojocel I'm strongly recommend to NOT watch this show or movie (short version of TV series). If you did it... don't complain to us... ;-)
Arthandas: Witcher on the other hand is a mix of bad acting, bad directing, extremely poor computer effects and it basically rapes the original books.
Summit: Oh yes it can. It's even worse then bad. Seriously, even if i wasn't a witcher fanboy (and i am) i would struggle to find any redeeming feature in this sorry piece of cinematography.
These guys are confusing the movie with TV series because the latter is actually quite good. Yes, it's not that faithful to the books but it's an ADAPTATION so it should be obvious that book pages and screenplay pages won't be the same. And usually it's a good thing because literature and TV are way too different for a 1:1 ratio. In fact, in a couple of scenes TV series did better than a book. One such example is the episode which adapted "Wiedźmin" (Witcher) story from the "Last wish" book. In TV series Geralt (brilliantly played by Żebrowski) was way more convincing during his conversation with Velerad than in the books where Velerad immediately forgot about the shit Geralt stirred in one of the taverns.
Anyway, TV series has actually very good acting, Zamachowski, Żebrowski, Dymna, Kozłowski, Wiśniewska, Sapryk, Ilgner, Chyra, Duryasz, Zbrojewicz, Nowak, Łukaszewicz and many mroe were great in their roles, some of them perfect so I can assure you that claims that acting is bad is false. There are some exceptions (like Buzek or some nameless characters) but the big picture is that their performance is stellar. I was really surprised by this actually because of opinions like the ones from my compatriots (who probably haven't even seen the series or can't differentiate between good and bad acting). What's more there are no black and white characters here and they are more realistic than in most series. Fights are also well done and short, which is a good thing (it was one of the reasons I loved Zatoichi so much which was a refreshing movie compared to other action flicks where fight could go on forever and were very unrealistic).
The most important thing however which makes this TV series worth watching is the right atmosphere which can only be found in Polish setting, with Polish actors and mannierisms. I doubt that Netflix will be able to recreate it as well (especially if they will be shooting in Canadian forests). And here's an opinion of a Czech viewer for reference: