mappejoster: Well sadly this didn't work at all in the end. It seems the rewards are not given based on the quest log.
Sorry to hear that it didn't work; I was afraid that you might need more than just the completed quest.
mappejoster: Corylea what do you mean you don't have access to some script? I thought all the files were open for editing.
Nope. Only the COMPILED versions of the scripts ship with the game, and those look like this:
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As you can see, this isn't exactly helpful. And it's not something we can edit; we need the UNCOMPILED scripts.
I was just wondering if through modding someone could increase trophy quest count in the save file. I have no experience in this myself but would it be possible to make some sort of simple trigger to increase the count that way instead of doing the actual quest? Assuming you found what variable to add to?
Since we don't know what the Royal Huntsman is checking, we don't know what to alter. You're only guessing that there's a trophy quest count in the save file, but it could be checking dialogue flags or some other property.
PS I may have no idea what I'm talking about.
*smile* I believe you. :D
You can add the sword to your game using the saved game editor, but you won't be able to complete the did-them-all quest because, in fact you DIDN'T do them all. Just a reason to play again. :P