Pantalaimon: Ah ok, then the FCR bug is probably what happened.. in which case this fight seems unusually hard. I was of course using the appropriate spectre oil, together with a swallow, the combat boost (forgot the name) and the one that regenerates the "mana" (not up to my Witcher lingo it seems ;)
I did not mash buttons, but took care to use the fast style in a way where I keep up the combo. This works very well for a while.. and then he simply decides to kill me and I die in a few hits while I'm still doing my combo.. he should not be able to hit me while I slash him up..?
Would be great news if I'm simply lacking the skill, but I'm not sure what other options to exhaust here? Game-wise I am near the end of Act I. Don't think I missed many quests, so I should be able to take this guy..?
In fact I haven't touched the game since, and that's a real shame.. want to finish it and then go directly to the second one o_O
It's not a bug it's just the way the game is made: Geralt's attacks don't stop the opponent from attacking, they just stop the
attack animation. FCR just makes this happen much more often and more noticeable. Quote from the manual:
"Sometimes while attacking an opponent, he can damage us without the attack animation. This is not a bug, only the game mechanics. In fact the opponents are carrying out an attack, but since Geralt’s animations have priority, Geralt’s animations cancel the opponent’s attack animations."
I hope this isn't your first playthrough of TW1 because you may be in for a lot of frustration and tedium. This mod gets presented and recommended by people as a bunch of much-needed fixes when at its core it's really a totally subjective, radical overhaul of all the game mechanics. Definitely a mod for a second playthrough or later.
If vanilla Witcher was too easy I would say use FlashMod (same author) instead - it ramps up the difficulty, fixes some imbalances and adds many of the optional great features of FCR (Infinite stacking, camera mods, visible wounds etc.) without completely tossing everything about the vanilla combat, monsters and equipment out the window.