Hareton: With some mod or configuring game files? I have eye problems and can't play with this effect, so I have problem finishing the quest with killing plants in first chapter. And if there is no way, could someone finish the quest for me if I upload here my save?
There's a potion called Wives' Tears that makes Geralt sober instantly. One of the nice things about this game is that you can make any potion if you have the right formula, yourself; GERALT doesn't have to have gotten the formula in the game to be able to make something. For Wives' Tears, mix one Rebis, one Aether, and one Quebrith, and you'll have the potion. (It'll be called "Unknown potion" until you drink it the first time.)
The Witcher Wiki article on Wives' Tears is at
http://witcher.wikia.com/wiki/Wives%27_Tears If you aren't in a position to meditate and make the potion, you can use the Saved Game Editor (
http://en.thewitcher.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7328-tw1tool-save-game-editor/ ) or the Genie Wish Mod (
http://witcher.nexusmods.com/mods/246/ ) to get the potion. The Saved Game Editor lets you add the potion to your inventory and is a very useful tool, but people sometimes have trouble installing it. The Genie Wish Mod gives you an item that lets you call up a genie and wish for items, and the Wives' Tears potions is one of the things you can wish for.