Posted May 23, 2017

This fight is incredibly difficult, though, especially with the 'wrong' skills. It's arguably the toughest fight in the game, which is darn silly so early.
Amazingly, there is something similar in Witcher 2, which I couldn't get past no matter how hard and how long I tried, without putting the difficulty down to Easy. So I know how frustrating this is :(
Looking at this made me realize I made an error along the way.....I thought I had Aard lvl 2, but it's only lvl 1....I did Igni lvl 2 instead, incorrectly, I think. That's probably why I'm having such a hard time stunning the Beast, I imagine. Not sure I have an earlier save point...or even sure I want to go that far back!....maybe I need to, though....guess I could get the spell from the witch too...and i never got to complete the preacher's last quest, as well.