Generalelectric: I want my version of Geralt to remain celibate. How do you complete this quest without screwing the blue eye vampire whore?
Simple: imagine Geralt is using a wooden prosthetic (common in that time as it's a bit too early for plastics) to complete the quest. Quest complete: Geralt remains as celibate as a goat on holiday.
In all seriousness, all the cartoon sex in the game is imaginary, anyway, so just insert (oops!) a wooden prosthetic in there and everything is tied off neatly. What happened is actually that Geralt lost his in the war, you know, so he got the wooden job hand made by a skilled craftsman and then had a mage cast a "lifelike" spell over it--and he's in great demand with the ladies but still as virginal as a lamb. It's all in the script, don't'cha know...;)