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Am I thinking of the right game? I haven't played since release (still have my retail disc) but I remember really enjoying the game both singleplayer and multiplayer. Is this the game with multiplayer modes where you are unleashing minions and traps on opponents a la Tecmo's Deception? Floor pits, slide stairs, spikes, etc?
Post edited April 11, 2022 by InfiniteClouds
InfiniteClouds: Am I thinking of the right game? I haven't played since release (still have my retail disc) but I remember really enjoying the game both singleplayer and multiplayer. Is this the game with multiplayer modes where you are unleashing minions and traps on opponents a la Tecmo's Deception? Floor pits, slide stairs, spikes, etc?
In citadel yes you have minions and traps to help defend your seals you place