DannyDopamine: Well my thread with 0 replies "you can bind third person to a keybind" answers this question extensively.
Here it is
-Direct3d mode is the best, it adds many new screen resolutions to the games videooptions menu, and its the only mode where no effects are missing at all. In glide mode the tiny 3d spiders on webs and insects are completely missing. And glide does not add any new resolutions into the actual game like direct3d does. No clue why.
If you look inside wot.ini you can see that direct3D clearly has the most graphical features compared to glide
You mean these spiders and insects?
Got all that with whatever size HUD I want through dgVoodoo. In the screens, I went with a 640x480 sized HUD while the game is running in 1920x1440 just to show an extreme example.
dgVoodoo behaves strangely, but it works out. I had to set Glide in the wot.ini, but that makes the game accept the DirectX emulation from dgVoodoo. Resolution in-game only matters for HUD size, you can force whatever resolution you wish through dgVoodoo. If I set D3D in the config, it seems like it's fighting with dgVoodoo and produces strange results. But it worked out in the end.
The HUD is the real problem the game has, because it becomes uselessly small on modern resolution. Yes, DirectX works without issues out of the box, but it has the HUD problem. dgVoodoo solves that easily. The only side-issue I've encountered is that cutscenes are a bit more squished horizontally. You can see it in the screens I attached here:
https://www.gog.com/forum/the_wheel_of_time/anyone_had_luck_with_dgvoodoo An acceptable "defect" over a miniature HUD.