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OK BF (I hope you like this way), I clarify some points.


I used the words "possibly", "surely", "don't know"... that's not tutoring! :P Anyway, thanks for the clarifications about the bindings. The reasons may be technical, economical, contractual, scheduling or even laziness to avoid maintenance or bug reports. They are a little study and know their problems. We can ask or not to buy the Windows version, but no more. If you not agree, no problem.


You misunderstand me. I didn't refer to the system. I am an old Linux user. I lived the previous era of the version 2.6 of the kernel. If I am on Linux is because its logic, its freedom and its stability. Windows is a chaos for my mind, Linux is neat and natural. Everything that is done by the developers freely, without barriers, is mature and stable. The problems arise when they have to interact with the rules and walls from the outside. Mainly, hardware enterprises (HE) and Windows competence (WC). In reference to the gaming world, this has been a big problem. Linux made OpenGL, a mature technology. But if the HE do not support you, and WC isolates you, there are not native games for Linux. From this situation was born the movement to adapt Linux to that external reality, by the awesome development of Wine (first for programs then for games), and the open drivers for the graphics hardware. But this is a complex, hard and long route. Because it requires reverse engineering, and adaptation to a constant variable evolution. And it is here when I said that Linux where not mature until now, but only in this area. Until now (not today, if not recent years), I even had to install the official AMD drivers of my graphic card to run the desktop effects smoothly. Some years ago, I even played some old AAA games on Wine, but with performance problems, glitches, crashes, freezes. And many other games do not even started, as showed WineHQ web page user reports. I never used Proton or similar though, that are external tools, just Wine/WineTricks/POL. The evolution of Wine were impressive at that moment, but it was not polished. Now is more mature, an is still in evolution. The open AMDGPU (no PRO) driver, the VULKAN API and DXVK, have improved this situation. Now I can play almost any game smoothly and stably on Wine, and the native games have better performance. This is the reality, there is no other. The past limitation were not the fault of Linux. What the developers of Wine have made is a monumental work unique in the history of computing. Clone a full OS with all its versions, binding it to another OS with RE is tremendous.

So, you can go deeper from the technical, but what I say is true from the average user experience. Really, we are both talking about the same, from different perspectives.


+ The unification question of Linux distros for gaming has been always a problem. Even the game enterprises of Linux games actually support Ubuntu and no more. This does not mean that the games do not work on other distros with more or less tweaking, but for a normal user this is not the best scenario. Anyway, I have the idea that now it is more standardized, based on reports from people here and there, and my own experience. I knew some of the data you express on this issue, some other are new for me. Thanks.
+ I read some time ago, that the open AMDGPU driver was being developed by Linux with the help of AMD. I do not know more about it.
+ About FERAL, I prefer to install a GOG game on Wine than a FERAL game on Linux. But my top preference is to install a GOG game on Linux. I respect other opinions, but this is the mine.
+ The past situation... it is a reality what I said. The example you ask for. Tropico 5 has STEAM Linux version but not GOG. Instead the actual version 6 has Linux version on GOG. I never played this game, and now I feel attracted with the building and the scenery of the game, but not with the political corruption, and the miserable comments of Penultimo... Just got sick looking at the trailers. Before I buy it, I have to research about if it is possible to be a good leader, and shut up that guy either way. :P For other games, I think it is still valid what I said. There is nothing we can do to force Croteam to publish TTP on Linux, just wait and hope they have a reason to do it. Just my opinion.
+ The Skyrim comparison is right for me. Rarely CW votes go higher, even for modern games. Mass Effect doubles it, and is also an old game. I do not say there are only 10.000 Linux users at GOG, I mean the percentage is high.
+ No problem with the personal worry by my side. Just a bit surprised and confused after the reactions about my constructive words.

This is my last post here. I think it is all clear. And as I said, it is just my point of view on a subject that is not vital for my existence.

Good luck!
Post edited October 06, 2020 by Gogeous
The game was given away for free on Epic Games Store but only the base game, not the dlc. No big deal you say? You can try the game for free and if you like it and want more than you can buy the dlc. No, you can't. There is no dlc on Epic Games Store. If you want to play the full game than you have to buy it somwhere esle. It in not even that tragic if you gat it for free but after the giveaway has ended they continuey to sell the game for full price and smone can bauy it and after that can realise that they hav to buy it agein to get the dlc. Really shity behavior from the dev company.
spiken0: The game was given away for free on Epic Games Store but only the base game, not the dlc. No big deal you say? You can try the game for free and if you like it and want more than you can buy the dlc. No, you can't. There is no dlc on Epic Games Store. If you want to play the full game than you have to buy it somwhere esle. It in not even that tragic if you gat it for free but after the giveaway has ended they continuey to sell the game for full price and smone can bauy it and after that can realise that they hav to buy it agein to get the dlc. Really shity behavior from the dev company.
wrong thread
Post edited January 01, 2021 by pahster