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I'm really enjoying the game, both the puzzles and Terminal conversations. I'm in mid-early World C right now.

I was wondering if it's possible to get the full dialogue tree of the Terminal conversations. I really love them, so after I finish the game I'd like to see what would have happened had I chosen different paths.

If this were an RPG, or an action game, I simply would have replayed it and chosen different options. Unfortunately, this game doesn't really have replayability. It only has puzzles, and great as they are, I don't see myself replaying puzzles I already solved and know the solution to,just to see the Terminal conversations.

I did restart some checkpoints a few times to see different options. But some conversations affect later ones, and those I'd have only gotten had I replayed the puzzles, so I didn't bother.

If there is full dialogue tree out there, I'd be really grateful.
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By the way, I haven't finished the game yet, so please don't provide me any spoilers in replies' text here.
I too would like to see a full transcript. But I suspect that it ends the same way no matter what you tell the MLA. In what appears to be the final conversation, it gave me only one option to click on. A little later I wondered what would have happened if I had just refused to answer at all, so I restored from the most recent backup and tried walking away from the terminal instead of clicking on the one response. It wouldn't let me step away. There's no choice but to click that one response, which... well, you'll see what it does when you get there :)

I do wonder if something different would have happened if I had sheepishly agreed with everything MLA said.
gnerdhush: I too would like to see a full transcript. But I suspect that it ends the same way no matter what you tell the MLA. In what appears to be the final conversation, it gave me only one option to click on. A little later I wondered what would have happened if I had just refused to answer at all, so I restored from the most recent backup and tried walking away from the terminal instead of clicking on the one response. It wouldn't let me step away. There's no choice but to click that one response, which... well, you'll see what it does when you get there :)

I do wonder if something different would have happened if I had sheepishly agreed with everything MLA said.
If you're still intereseted, you can extract the dialogue from game files. It's using a scripted language (LUA?), but is pretty straightforward.

Also, check this:
Post edited February 22, 2021 by ZFR