JOHNB007: Update here.
The New World Settlers IV DLC has an enhanced map editor! Also found this link providing information on how to merge the DLC into the Gold Edition English Version.
This is going to be bloody brilliant!
Hey, that is my blog! Thanks for reading! :)
In all honesty though, that is a pretty old entry (and my English was way worse back then). I've found out an easier way to "merge" both games. Here are a few quick points about this:
-There are two Expansion Packs that were released only in Germany, the most well-known of them being The New World,
-To work around incompatibilities, neither of these Expansion Packs change the game version ( v.2.50.1516),
- v.2.50.1516 is the final version number (international, german... you name it),
-To get this to work that way, The New World and the Community Pack simply copy a few files to the game directory that enable new graphics, main menu entries, etc.
-This makes them compatible with any v.2.50.1516 installation.
-It's been a few years since I last played around with these files, but the only limitation, I think, was that you had to first install the EPs in a german installation to be able to get the files.
I still want to rewrite my"Getting the most out of Settlers IV Guide" (it's been forever since I last updated anything on it), but I have been busy these last few months (well, since late 2016, because I moved). Seeing all the new things that have been popping up lately, though, I will reconsider waiting until "things cool down" a little before I start writing!
And yes, this promises to be
bloody brilliant. Cheers!