Thanks i will test soon your files (maybe monday). I dont know if the files from the Gold FR (dos) 1.51 are same as 1.02 or if there is new files in the last version.
Can you upload all French video too please ? So, we will have a full French Game ^^ thanks very much, i come back Monday. EDIT ; i think its not the video, but just the English voices... Maybe there is a French files for the voices ?
there is little text no translate in french, look my attached images << no_string_with_this_ID >> i dont know what is the file(s)... But for the ingame, its ok, all texts and informations are in french, good job ! That's why i think it is just for the interface.
EDIT ; its ok, french players send me French Files from the 1.51 FR. all the game is now in french, except for the intro. He haven't the sound file for the intro because the game come from abandonware. So, i need just the sound file of the intro ! :oD
EDIT ; the video is in the folder "VIDEO" !!
EDIT ; its ok i have all files. Here is the FULL fr language pack :