I've played all games mentioned in this thread and I, too, would welcome some new ideas.
RF: Guerrilla was a huge disappointment. Sure, the destructible buildings were nice, but the game feels completely unfinished. Some of the missions are more annoying than fun; especially the last one. I did not like the constant enemy respawning either.
RF: Armageddon was OK, but it did crash a lot and I needed a third party FOV fix, because I got motion sick all the time. I feel that this one doesn't really fit, because it isn't an open word game.
The Saboteur and Saints Row (3, 4 and Gat out of Hell) are great, all of them are really silly and a lot of fun, but all have minor problems. The Saboteur has the annoying climbing animations that trigger at the most inappropriate moments. Saints Row 3 forces you to invest in some of the upgrades, because the last mission is almost impossible without some of them. Some of the activities that are needed for 100% takeover are very annoying. Saints Row 4 and Gat out of Hell skip the bad activities, but the difficulty curve is messed up. They are both a bit too easy, because they give you very strong abilities very soon.
Just Cause 2 isn't too bad, but the enemy respawning is somewhat annoying, although better than Guerrilla. Sometimes it is very hard to find the last remaining destructible objective inside a base. It has some nice destructions, but the weapon balance could be better. Just Cause 3 has Denuvo and bad reviews.