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In the mission after delivering crate to bishop I've got take the stolen German truck, but when I get inside I can hear only Skylar voice and the game freeze. Anyway to solve this bug?
Anyone having same problem: in the config.ini (save files folder in my documents) I've changed vsync from 1 to 0 and started the game in the windowed mode, so far no bugs met.
when you get the truck you get a note...
the notes are a big bunch of stuff from hd to ram (world changes)
saboteur came out with xp and some xp64
xp allows 3g of ram
the is a little utility called LAA (large address aware) that will tell the saboteur.exe that it can use more than 2g of ram.

This fixed all the problems

works on other games too Railroads!, rail tycoon
PeteDevlin: a little utility called LAA (large address aware)
It is understandable that you are making an effort to assist another user, but, the GOG version of The Saboteur already has the 'Large Address Aware' patch applied to it (along with the hex edit that enables multi-core CPUs to properly run the game), as indicated on its PC Gaming Wiki article.

It is unlikely to be related to the issue that the original poster had experienced.