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Changelog for Patch 1.0.7 (added 07 February 2020) from Steam

Galaxy & Offline-Installer updated (07 February 2020)
Hey everyone!
Thank you all so much for playing The Pedestrian. We've been busy this past week fixing some bugs and making some improvements. There is still more that needs done, but one step at a time.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug where going into the options menu when you died caused player to be stuck and invisible
- Fixed a bug where props continued to function when in options menu
- Adjusted "Blue" colliders in the subway to avoid signs getting stuck
- Fixed animated objects sometimes playing multiple times or getting stuck in a loop
- Fixed transition to "Vein" level in innercity to avoid getting key stuck
- Changed "Dumber" level in innercity to have a crusher-button combination instead of key-door to remove ability to leave puzzle with key


- (Controller) Cursor move assist now ignores invalid node connections
- (Controller) Removed cursor move assist when moving signs
- Worked on compatiblility with demo version. First achievement transers to full version along with save file

Music Improvements

- Finale music implemented (Was too quiet without any music)
- University music now fades when you start leaving area instead of final puzzle (There could be a significant gap of time without any music)
- Adjusted opening lobby music (Removed piano to make repetitive aspect less annoying)
- Adjusted puzzlemode filters on music to not be as quiet
- Small tweaks to subway last loop and final oneshot
- Removed puzzlemode effect completely for "War" level in downtown coffee shop

Thanks so much for submitting your bug reports. We've been going through them and doing our best to resolve them. Have a wonderful week :)

NOTE! to macOS users. This patch is not going live for you. Your patch is going out at a later date. We've ran into an issue with macOS app approval and are working to resolve it.
high rated
Changelog for Linux-Patch 1.0.8 (added 11 February 2020) from Steam

Linux Installer updated (11 February 2020)
Hey everyone!

If you're running the game on Linux with a language that uses commas instead of periods in your number system(Polish, German, French). This latest build fixes a bug at the end of the game that would cause various sign doors to load incorrectly.

Thanks! Have a wonderful weekend :)
high rated
Changelog for Patch 1.0.8 (Windows) and 1.0.9 (Mac & Linux) (added 25 February 2020) from Steam

Galaxy updated (25 February 2020)
Offline-Installer updated (27 February 2020)
Hey Everyone!
Here's some more bug fixes and improvements. Most of these were done because you all gave feedback through the in game bug reporter. So thanks for using it and letting us know your thoughts :)

Bug Fixes

- Fixed issue where you can skewering the player on a wall piece in the subway and innercity hubs
- Fixed issue where certain achievements could be triggered in the wrong area
- Fixed VSync and volume resetting to default after starting a new game in the options menu
- Fixed camera snap when in the elevator going to the finale


- Baked occlusion culling in the finale area to fix chalk lines popping in and out
- Updated "Falling" puzzle to fix easy exploit
- Added platform to university hub exit sign to improve ease of use
- Increased the total number of assignable controllers from 1 to 10 (You should now be able to control the game with multiple controllers)
- Add e/space to options menu as an alternative to the enter key
- Added chalk arrow at puzzle in locker room (This should help with some confusion)
- Added wooden platform for the cardboard box in the finale to raise it into the player's view
- Gameboy portal in the finale now automatically pulls you in (This should remove confusion about pressing the e key)
- Added axial deadzone and sensitivity to joysticks instead of radial (This makes the controller a little more forgiving when walking across platforms)
- Dying no longer forces a full reset (This removes confusion in the rooftop area when dying would reset props in a painted sign)
- Fixed softlock in innercity "Dumber" puzzle
- Fixed Rooftops arch3 subhub to avoid being able to grab the wire with one box
- Added flashing lights to power source and above closet in apartment area(This should help make the process a little smoother)
- 399 sticky note now hides when returning from finishing the rooftops area(This should remove the confusion of what code is required)

Thanks so much for playing our game! Have a great week!
Important information for macOS Catalina users from Steam!
Hey Everyone!
We mentioned in our previous patch that we were having some trouble getting our build through the Apple approval process (ONLY affects Catalina users). We've been working on it since that update and unfortunately we were not able to get it approved.

Long story short, when we put out our initial release build on 1/28 it was officially approved by Apple's system. Shortly after our release, Apple updated their approval requirements and various components from the game engine and plugins no longer met them.

So what does this mean?
If you're running the game on macOS Catalina. You might get a message pop up saying the game can't run. If that happens, you can navigate to the System Preferences>Security and Privacy and allow the app to run.

If you have any trouble and need help, don't hesitate to email
Post edited February 27, 2020 by Hustlefan