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For two playthroughs of the Metacentre now, I've been having issues with the AI's sight when it comes to detection. First, I've had Steve spot me in the vents and apprehend me when he has no LOS (line of sight) whatsoever, but the second time is what really pissed me off. After having been spotted by Chance after accidentally standing up on the outside ledge near the Silhouette office, he quickly ID'ed me through the wall after I thought I ducked fast enough for him not to (as was the case with both Steve and Dan previously). If that wasn't enough, I got back to the basement level through the stock room and passed back into the lobby, which is clearly not a restricted area. The second Steve sees me, I get busted and sent to Dan's office. The LOS and detection issues are starting to really bother me to the point of not wanting to complete the Metacentre (I'm sort of a completionist when it comes to leads).
Hey GameNinja- we think we've got a hold of why this may have been happening and should be fixed in the patch that just got set live.

Could you let us know if you experience any similar issues where AI sight feels unnatural / broken?
