The problem had the game ever. It is unfortunately due to the developer, because unfortunately this does not send every patch / update to GOG.
Translated with Google.
The Long Dark Hotfixed to v1.27 [34908] 21.03.2018
Hello community,
We’ve just hotfixed The Long Dark to v1.27 [34908]. This includes the Unity game engine update that we discussed in our most-recent Dev Diary, as well as numerous other fixes you will see detailed below.
NOTE: The Unity upgrade included in this hotfix has changed the location of the Debug Log for Windows users:
Debug Log Location in Windows (new!):
- In Windows, open File Explorer
- At the top of the window, switch to the View tab
- Go to the Show/Hide section and check the Hidden Items box
- On the left side, Scroll down to This PC and click on the C drive
- Navigate to the following folder:
(Note that your Windows username will be the name 3rd folder you click through)
- Inside TheLongDark folder you will find a file named output_log.txt . This is your game debug log.
*Numerous Art optimizations to improve performance
*Numerous Environment optimizations
*General optimizations
*Update to Rewired Controller API for improved compatibility using gamepad/controllers on PC/Mac
* Fixed several rare crashes
* Disabled crash reporting for Modded games (to reduce the amount of non-relevant crash report data)
*[Both] Moose sign scratches now appear with the correct color and texture across all Regions.
*[Both] Fixed issue where player could become trapped when walking while crouched behind chair in Milton Credit Union office.
*[Both] Added Charging Station sign to the Orca Gas Station in Milton.
*[Both] Starfield no longer visible through light snow in Milton.
*[Both] Fixed issue causing a snowy hillside to appear inside a Broken Railroad Region Cave.
*[Both] Fixed scaling issue with toilets in Carter Dam.
*[Both] Blood Decals now appear correctly when Harvesting or Quartering.
*[Both] Fixed issue with some Rose Hip bushes appearing to float above the ground in Mountain Town Region.
*[Both] Fixed issue causing footsteps to sometimes look distorted in the snow.
*[Both] Fixed a gap in the terrain in Mountain Town Region, near the entrance to Mystery Lake.
*[Both] Fixed issue with inconsistent appearance of arms during Wolf Struggles.
*[Both] Fixed issue with terrain near the Collapsed Tunnel in Mountain Town Region that was impeding player movement.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where Ambient Occlusion improvements weren't visible on a bridge in Desolation Point.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue with incorrect snowy terrain appearing in a Forlorn Muskeg Cave.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where exiting buildings could result in a black screen.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where the Tractor near Quonset Garage was incorrectly illuminated.
*[Survival Mode] Improved presentation of thumbnail images in the Survival Mode loading menu.
*[Survival Mode] Improved road and bridge textures in Desolation Point
*[Wintermute] Items in the Hunter's Blind near Alan's Cave in Mystery Lake Region now have the correct texture.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where chimney smoke would incorrectly appear coming from homes in Milton.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where a gap could be seen in Jeremiah's neck during Episode Two cinematics.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issues with incorrect Rifle movement in Episode Two cinematics.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue with incorrect item texture on Lake Cabin Key #2.
Gameplay & User Interface
*[Both] Added Clothing UI Icons and tooltips when pressing R3 on gamepads.
*[Both] Removed reticle when aiming the Survival Bow (as intended)
*[Both] First Aid icon no longer disappears from the screen when Cooking or Boiling Water.
*[Both] Fixed issue causing awkward First Person arm movements when accessing inventory with Flashlight equipped.
*[Both] Fixed issue where Slope information would incorrectly appear when climbing up and down ropes.
*[Both] Clothing items no longer display incorrect damage textures at low Condition.
*[Both] Improved positioning for various Scrub Brush placements in the environment.
*[Both] Fixed issue where double-inputs were occurring with the Steam Controller when accessing inventory.
*[Both] Fix for being able to climb up steep objects the player should not be able to climb.
*[Both] Fixed issue causing players to get Cabin Fever in Wintermute. Cabin Fever is now disabled in all three Wintermute Experience Modes.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issues keeping Faithful Cartographer achievement from triggering.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where the Stone Church icon was not displaying correctly after being mapped.
*[Survival Mode] Removed fall death triggers on cliff wall above Milton Basin.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue that prevented players from Harvesting certain Tree Limbs in the game.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where the Moose Hide Satchel was not showing the correct bonus when the game was set to display Imperial Units.
*[Survival Mode] Improved ease of mapping the Cinder Hills Coal Mine entrances in Coastal Highway and Pleasant Valley.
*[Survival Mode] When selecting a Region in a new Survival Mode game, it will now always default to the last Region the player loaded.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where no on-screen message would appear when approaching transition between Mountain Town and Forlorn Muskeg Regions.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where the Harvesting UI could sometimes default to “Take All.”
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where the Paradise Meadows Farmhouse could appear unlocked by default.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue causing various tools to spawn incorrectly in Interloper and Custom Experience Modes.
*[Survival Mode] Players can no longer continue Crafting after a single Match burns out.
*[Survival Mode] Fixed issue where subtitles remain on-screen after character voice over ends.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where crows would circle locations with no corpses present.
*[Wintermute] Fixed various issues blocking progress during the opening survival missions in Episode One.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where voice over subtitles were missing after sustaining a fall injury.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where Water in inventory was incorrectly counted, preventing Coffee and Tea brewing.
*[Wintermute] Grey Mother's Soup no longer remains hot for too long when added to player inventory.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue causing Fatigue to apply incorrectly when Rope Climbing.
*[Wintermute] Players can no longer Inspect Jeremiah’s Coat in Episode Two.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where text could flicker during Trust interactions with Jeremiah in Episode Two.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where smoke would not appear from the Trapper’s Cabin chimney, even though a fire is burning inside.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue in Episode Two Lake Gunshots Mission where the mission marker was not resolving correctly upon completion.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where error message "Failed to Restore the Game From a Previous Save” could appear incorrectly in Episode One, causing the player to return to the Main Menu.
*[Wintermute] Improved UI feedback when attempting to access empty sections of the Journal.
*[Wintermute] Players can now transfer stacked items to Grey Mother during a Trust interaction.
*[Wintermute] Changed location of First Aid Kit at the beginning of Episode One to make it more noticeable to players.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where Methuselah would appear at the wrong time in Episode Two.
*[Wintermute] Added container for player gear in Grey Mother's House and Jeremiah's Cabin. Using these containers will not affect Trust levels with either character.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where mission objectives from previous save games could appear at the beginning of Episode One.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where the incorrect UI label was displayed when players attempted to create a new save game.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue with Rifle sometimes not responding during Episode Two mission "Jeremiah's Folly."
*[Wintermute] Improved first-person camera motion to make it easier to interact with Metal Shard at the beginning of Episode One.
*[Wintermute] Fixed issue where Breaking Down catwalk planks in the Upper Dam could keep players from finishing Episode Two.