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It's no big secret that NISA has made some less than popular choices in their localization efforts, so a user on steam made a patch for a more accurate translation of the game.

Have fun.
Post edited March 25, 2020 by MegisED
awesome! fuck nisa.
Hmm... I scanned trough that, but I honestly do not care about it too much...

Don't get me wrong - If you feel a need to do that all, be my guest. But I think the things that are tripped over are fairly minor. For Instance - That whole Towa stuff only means something to people that are focused on honorifics, but for most western people the broad meaning is what counts. So no exact translation, but for us western people it's good enough.

The core story of the game is unaffected, only some details are changed. For some people that issue rubs the wrong way, and for those it's nice that someone is doing this job. For other people (myself included) it's simply not such a big deal.

Anyway - While it's not very important to me, I still wish you good luck with the job anyway.
Post edited March 25, 2020 by JClosed
An accurate translation of CS3 would be great, but the description of that fan translation mod makes quite clear that it's a very far cry from actually delivering that, and also the author of that mod is being way overly-apologetic towards NISA and their acts of censorship.

I'm glad I read the OP though, and then did a google search about the cooking/femininity line, because as a result of that, I just learned one of the things that NISA censored, which they have not at all been forthcoming about.

Does anyone know what else they censored in addition to the line about femininity?
Post edited March 26, 2020 by Ancient-Red-Dragon