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i stopped in trails of cold steel 1 with this series and this is why!
bossonova: i stopped in trails of cold steel 1 with this series and this is why!
Just because you have to pay extra for some "funny" clothing and ride-on (that I personally hate) that have no effect on the game play at all, you won't play a whole game? Wow, just... Wow...

I am at lost for words now...
Why? He still got lesser greed by his wishes either getting all the goodies cheap or for free at all, compared to the publisher who seems to act nearly without bounds.

I can totally understand that many people enjoy a "complete game"; no matter if the goodies actually make sense at all. However, on "Trails into Reverie" even the Art Book and what else have been cut out... just in order to push the customers into buying it at a condition they are very unsure about. If you love this game, you surely may feel almost "forced" into "not missing something"... a matter which has been abused the strongest way possible.

Do you want to hand it over to him? Gift codes may work... because so far instead of trying to understand or supporting it, you are just going into "opposition".
Post edited July 11, 2023 by Xeshra
I' m surprised that by this point Nihon Falcon did not publish the game launcher as DLC.
I quit caring about the series and indeed the publisher itself after they introduced the consumable Shining Pom packs.
That's greed on a level that rivals Paradox Interactive.

I love the first game though.
Post edited July 11, 2023 by jorlin
The first 3 parts of the series (Sky Trilogy) was for me the best ones... it was done by XSEED games, not NIS.

The 2 titles (Crossbell Arc) from the fan translation (Trails to Azure, Trails from Zero) was great too. Almost anything NIS was touching in my mind was worse... yet some people may have in mind it is better... i clearly can not approve.

Since Trails of Cold Steel and up was released... matters have decreased, the heart seems to have taken a hit.
Post edited July 11, 2023 by Xeshra