ysor123: lol. Installed, started game: crash
Imagine how broken this game went on the market. There is no way I will give anything out for the third part.
What is wrong with AI in your game? I know they're not very good and half of the AI dynasties tend to die off without your interference but. Also while I did experience crashes on ocasion, they did not happen often. There are bugs and minor anoyances and some poor design choises, yes, but game was far from broken for me having spend 100+ hours on it (GOG renaissance version, havent tested the new patches).
There is a fanpatch somewhere (I'm sure there's a link to it in these forums) that supposibly makes AI more competitive and able to survive but, iirc, it was mainly done by making AI cheat more (a
lot more).
Oh and I played it in WinXP 32-bit so maybe it has more issues in later operating systems? Got to test at some point now that I've upgraded.