MiketheWino: Thanks for the feedback everyone!
I tried the suggestions given by Banjo_oz and Hastur- and was able to change the screen size so it is now about 1/3 the area of my monitor. This is better than what it was (about 1/4) but ideally I'd like it around 1/2 to 3/4. Messing around with the [render] and [sdl] sections of the configuration file as suggested by erktorbjorn is a little out of my comfort zone.
The problem with fullscreen is that if I try to go to the desktop--using the Windows button--and return back to the game, it won't go back to fullscreen and stays in an ultra small DOSBox window.
Current DOSBox Configurator settings for the game are:
Basic Settings Graphic mode: DDraw; Full Screen (unchecked)
Advanced Settings: Keep Aspect Ratio (checked); Double Buffering (unchecked); Scaling Engine (normal3x); Window Resolution (original).
My normal resolution is 2048x1152, but changing the resolution setting in the Configurator (to whatever) only gets me up to about 1/3 area of my monitor screen, as mentioned above. Other changes (no matter the combination) to the Basic or Advanced settings could not get me to my ideal. See attached screen capture to get a feel for what I'm looking at.
So, unless someone has any other suggestions, I'll just try to live with the best I could get.
Happy to try and help ya... and you can just call me 'Banjo'. :)
My desktop is 1920x1080 so I'm unable to test anything bigger, but...
I just tested manually editing the cfg by hand and made sure I had
This now fills my screen vertically with a window when I start the game.
The same should be able to be done using GOG's Configurator shortcut, by setting as follows:
Graphic Mode = Overlay
Fullscreen = unchecked
Keep Aspect Ratio = checked
Double Buffering = unchecked
Scaling Engine = normal2x
Window Resolution = 1920x1080
That's the biggest I can get it; what resolutions have you tried?
Failing that, I can post my "patch" for you if you'd like that will let you create a shortcut that uses normal4x or normal6x, but not sure if it will solve this in your case.
(note: I get blurred graphics with DDraw on this game, so I switched back to Overlay... your results may vary).