James175: I am curious to try this game, but I would prefer not to get it if there are strong sexual themes in it. Consider me a bit squeamish in that respect.
There is murder, blood, gore, cannibalism, suicide, what looked like was going to shape up into an attempted rape but turned out to be a good old fashioned attempt at murder, and more fun for all the family.
I honestly think that if you are squeamish, then sexuality is the least of your concerns with regard to this game.
If you are ok with the other stuff but are really that concerned about sexuality, then I sadly cannot help without any margin for error barring more detail as to what exactly pushes your squick button. If you are asking if there are any exploitative sex scenes, then you won't be offended; if the very idea of realizing that women do indeed have things referred to as "breasts", then I shake my head and regretfully inform you that the you will probably hate it for the 1 or 2 times this revelation is brought up.
Look, all sarcasm aside, I get that people have different tolerance levels for stuff, but let me draw upon a moment from the opening in order for me to make a point.
After a dream sequence with the imagery than a Silent Hill game (if not more, depending on which entry you are using as a reference point), the character tries to push a button that is in a recess in the wall. It takes some doing, and the doing takes her arm. No, really; upon pressing the button, her arm is severed, at which point her eyes go wider than saucers and her mouth hangs open in a position corresponding to a scream (which she thankfully never utters). After that point, the character becomes playable, with her spare hand clasped to her stump in the vain hope of keeping herself from bleeding all over the place and her face transformed into a living manifestation of pure and total suffering and terror, every move contorting her face and making blood spray like a not quite dying fountain.
This is before the opening credits are shown. This bit sets the tone for the entire game, insofar as it is horrifying, violent, and depressing as Marvin from the Hitchhiker's Guide on a really shitty day. I almost fainted when I realized that this game was made in the UK, as the sheer level of violence and is at a level that is almost a perfect embodiment of a Hollywood horror film in a game; I was eventually forced to retract that judgement when I realized that the violence was actually being used in a non-exploitative manner (for the most part), and that an American production company would throw a fit about a bare breast being seen on screen, much less on a character that was not the epitome of conventional Western attractiveness in a manner that was not blatantly done for the purpose of titillation.
The game is so close to me stamping it with a warning saying "PURE NIGHTMARE FUEL" based on stuff before I were even to start considering sex as a factor in that analysis (which, admittedly, I don't).
And it is quite possibly one of the better point and click adventure games I have played in the last few years.
For that matter, its shortcut is a new entry in my folder of games I can whip out whenever someone tries to argue that games are Z grade schlock with crap stories that could never be misconstrued as being art.
There are no stupidly complex inventory puzzles requiring you to trek to the other side of a city in order to get that one item you need to solve the puzzle that could have easily been solved in just about any other way by a person with a working brain stem, as all puzzles require the player use the materials on hand in an isolated location. I can count the puzzles that had me stuck due to their questionable logic on one finger (and for that puzzle, I assure you that you would have no difficulty in guessing which finger I raise in its commemoration). The characters are well written and as close to likable as they can get in a story in which the protagonist has attempted to commit suicide in the opening of the game; true, I found myself getting frustrated by the fact that the actually "gameplay" aspect of this adventure game felt a little neglected in comparison to the sheer amount of time devoted to fleshing out the narrative, but the writing kept me intrigued.
Yes, the game has two things that seem to be QTEs that require the player to hold a button to continue the game (since, as far as I can tell, there is no way to fail them), yes the game's ending is determined by an action that occurs late in the game which does not seem to have any consequences in context before making the decision, two things that personally disappoint me about modern gaming, but those are two sprinkles of ash on an otherwise well grilled metaphor steak.
But yes. There are boobs. For all of up to 30 seconds elapsed time in a game that kept me riveted to my chair for hours. If your tolerance level is so low that you can't play the game as a result of that fact, then I feel secure in saying that it is entirely your loss. I wish you a good day, and I hope that you choose to give The Cat Lady a try.