AlexLover: The one that adds the most is easily repentance but you need the other DLCs to make it work anyway.
AmericanWithAGun: Yeah, I know, I was just curious. That seems to be the opinion i've heard a lot, is that repentance is the best. What would you say the worst is? I know afterbirth+ has a really strange price of 11$
At this point, all of them are great because they add good content and complement each other. However, I don't think there was ever an Isaac DLC that was not controversial during the release. Afterbirth and Afterbirth+ both had a lot of bugs and stability issues, not to mention Afterbirth+ introduced the infamous Delirium. Repentance nerfed many items and was much harder to the point that it felt like a completely different game. I remember many people just straight out refusing to buy repentance because of that. So the worst Isaac DLC? Every DLC at the release. (aside from repentance+ which I can't speak of since I don't own the game on Steam)