SilentMRG: Does not work on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit!
When I run The Bard's Tale ARPG - Remastered and Resnarkled version 2.2.a I get the missing dlls error:
XInput1_4.dll (This version is exclusive to Windows 10, as Windows 7 uses a lower version, not 1.4): API-MS-Win-Eventing-ClassicProvider-L1-1-0.dll
It turns out that these two dlls have to do with C++ 2015, and I have C++ 2015-2022 x86 and x64 installed on my system, and these errors above don't make any sense.
Copying and pasting these dlls to the game folder does not solve anything. GOG should remove from the page that this game is compatible with Windows 7, when in fact it is not! Big lie from GOG. There was also a lack of attention and care on the part of the developer for this fact!
Aleksandr.Mgn: This method helped me to run the game on Windows 7: in the system32 folder, you need to find and copy the file "xinput1_3.dll", then paste it into the same folder and you should get a file called "xinput1_3.dll - copy". Rename the copy to "xinput1_4.dll". Or you can copy the file "xinput1_3.dll", paste it into the game folder and rename it to "xinput1_4.dll". After that, the game should work.
I agree with you that the developers could have kept the 2005 version.
Tried, doesn't work.
The game now gives an "application error 0xc000007b". In admin mode as well. (Actually didn't expect your trick to work, but had to try.)
SilentMRG: The real problem with this remaster is that it was made with Win 10 and 11 in mind, and there is no support for Win 7. GOG should remove Win 7 from the minimum requirements, as this is misleading people.
whippleshuffle: Thanks for the info SilentMRG but this is the same build from Steam, and it still supports Windows 7. It's possible you may need to try a compatibility mode while running in administrator mode. I took a look around the Steam forums and didn't see any issues reported regarding dll's and Windows 7. The first troubleshooting step would be to fully uninstall and reinstall of course, but assuming you've tried that I'd recommend ticketing in to our support and we'll see if we can help you further.
Man, why are you writing these things when it's clear (see the other posts as well) that the game does not support win7?
Also, the compatibility mode, as already pointed out by others, is pure BS. It's supposed to be used when you try a program that was made for a much older Windows version, but here we have something that's new.
Run_Road: Very true my friend!!! The crazy thing is that I started buying and using GOG precisely when STEAM had announced that it was deactivating its support for Windows 7...
Well Yes, dear software houses, there are many players who continue to use powerful machines with Windows 7 (completely offline) to play games! and the fact that the updates were stopped by Microsoft on January 14, 2020 hasn't changed a thing for us. Dear GOG, this was the strength of the "NO DRM + Offline installers": Don't lose your way... (and your customers!) Very much agree! I'm perfectly fine with Win7 and actually don't like how the newer versions look like. I still don't understand why they imagine I would switch to newer windows when it doesn't offer me any improvements, only a user interface that's worse for me than the previous ones? (Why can't they simply improve the safety and optimization of the OS without changing the UI and the program compatibilities...)
I exactly came to GOG for the same reasons you mention and now a bit sad. (Btw I just saw the other day some game on gog which is from year 198x with CGA graphics and gog says it needs Win10 minimum :D )