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I used to have this game on my old Mac. Had a wonderful time with it.

I think $8 is a little too much for this 19 year old game. If it was $5 I might buy it, but no way will I fork over $8 for this game.

DownWithTheShip: I used to have this game on my old Mac. Had a wonderful time with it.

I think $8 is a little too much for this 19 year old game. If it was $5 I might buy it, but no way will I fork over $8 for this game.

I'd gladly play twice this amount.
I decided that $10 was a bit too much, but $8 on the introductory special... okay, that's pushing things a bit, but I can manage to justify that in my head. It's borderline though.

I still don't mind giving my money to GOG, however, because I like to support them when I can. I consider it a donation to an online museum dedicated to preserving gaming history.
Given its historical value I think 8 is jutified
Indeed, this is a museum, a FUN museum... :-) I got it this week. I used to own the actual game-box, but I don't know where it went...
although normally i'd never complain about GoG pricing, i JUST got this game a week ago on my Ipad/IPhone for $5 USD... NOT on sale mind you. regular pricing for the iOS ver is $5.
and seeing it on here AFTER that.. lol

but then seeing it a higher price was kind of a let down, i would've prefered this version.
so i kinda agree with the OP, the games a bit up there as things go, unless there're things removed from the iOS ver i haven't found yet..
Post edited February 10, 2012 by GrimCW
I have seen the original disks for this going cheaper than on here, but with this being such a classic game and the fact that all the hard work of getting the damned thing to work properly on modern day operating systems easily justifies the costs for me. I know I could download DOSBox or the likes and configure it myself, but at this price I have got it all done for me, just download and play, never have to worry about losing the disks, or the game if I reinstall mu PC.
Personally I don't think $8 is too expensive. It may be a 90s game but it's definitely a classic in my eyes.
I would much rather pay 10 bucks for a great old game that would run on my computer then 60 bucks for some of the crap they are bringing out nowdays.
dudalb: I would much rather pay 10 bucks for a great old game that would run on my computer then 60 bucks for some of the crap they are bringing out nowdays.
agreed, unbelievably agreed!
but as above, when i can get it for 5 bux and on the go... not so much :)
Although I downloaded the iPhone version as soon as it came out, I must admit that i think it works a lot better on the PC. But I guess that's the nostalgia kicking in ;)
I think this is a case of each to there own, since some of us don't have iOS devices we cant take advantage of the $5 version

For me it was a day 1 buy at $8 and I feel its worth it especially when you consider what it did for the industry back then along side Myst.

Its a multi award winner too and it comes with some sweet extra's that's not often available like the script and making of.

Some are gonna think that the intro price wasn't worth it nor is the RRP on gog of $10 but its worth remembering there are sales from time to time and an items worth can be more or less than another persons,

no matter what platform you get it on lets all just enjoy this old classic together :)
i totally just found this game today for 50 cents at a thrift store. :)
I have to say despite still having the original disks for this sat on a shelf right next to me I still picked this up the moment it was out and probably still would have at the full $10. It's going to be the same with 11th hour, have it sat here but I'm still going to be grabbing as soon as it goes live on here.
tacossmellgood: i totally just found this game today for 50 cents at a thrift store. :)
Heh, the same thing happened to me a few years ago. They had a whole bunch of copies in the bargain bin for the same price (it was the Sold Out re-release).