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Im at the beginning of the game and it worked great until I tried to input height/weight etc into the crime link comp. I can 'click' on each choice and it will change the choice to red. I can do this to all choices yet the number of suspects doesnt change from the default '100' suspects.
There isnt any button or choice ever given to update or display possible suspects. The only thing or option ever offered is to click on suspects attributes and to click 'previous' and 'next' screen buttons.
I dont ever get a choice of suspects names or are able to instruct the computer to render a list to choose suspects.
I have clicked on every square inch of the crime link desktop supposing that a button may not be visible and have also pushed every single button on my keyboard hoping to hit such a button to render a list of names.
Thank you.

Solved. I just didnt get enough clues to trigger the crime limk to work. Thank you.
Post edited February 01, 2011 by maxtormaxtor
I think it's happening because you're not inputting the right details. When you start to zero in on a suspect, the suspect list decreases. Perhaps you should re-review your evidence and make sure you're getting the correct details.
Vagabond: I think it's happening because you're not inputting the right details. When you start to zero in on a suspect, the suspect list decreases. Perhaps you should re-review your evidence and make sure you're getting the correct details.
yes you actually have to find info before the computer will work for example
blood type - the answer must have been found within the game for the crime lab pc to accept it.
Following up and that post, I also just discovered that I had to enter all info at the same time. If my crime link machine saved settings from my previous attempts, I had to delete all that setting (by clicking on them), then quit crime link, reopen it and enter all the info I'd collected in 1 go. Then, it worked fine.
You should be able to add the details in multiple attempts.
Just make sure you don't have anything extra clicked and inputted all the data its either unlimited people or 1 nothing in between.
I'm having this problem as well and have tried everything suggested here so far with no success. I have found all the clues, and have made sure I have nothing extra selected yet the Crime Link is still not giving me the suspect. I even went into the hint system to make sure I didn't miss anything and can confirm I've found all clues necessary.
sgreig: I'm having this problem as well and have tried everything suggested here so far with no success. I have found all the clues, and have made sure I have nothing extra selected yet the Crime Link is still not giving me the suspect. I even went into the hint system to make sure I didn't miss anything and can confirm I've found all clues necessary.
tell what you have selected & I will try to help you
Ok, I entered Male, Caucasian, 6'0"-6'4", 281-320 lbs., non-mutant, red hair, twi eyes, green eyes, AB blood, shoe size 14, anchor tattoo and it doesn't give me a suspect name. FOr some reason it doesn't seem to trigger the necessary event for me to continue.

If even someone had a save file right after the crime link gives the suspect that I could use that would be helpful, but the ideal solution would be to figure out what's causing this glitch.
sgreig: Ok, I entered Male, Caucasian, 6'0"-6'4", 281-320 lbs., non-mutant, red hair, twi eyes, green eyes, AB blood, shoe size 14, anchor tattoo and it doesn't give me a suspect name. FOr some reason it doesn't seem to trigger the necessary event for me to continue.

If even someone had a save file right after the crime link gives the suspect that I could use that would be helpful, but the ideal solution would be to figure out what's causing this glitch.
if you entered AB blood thats your problem, it should be AB- (by the way make sure you visited Mac at the police station to get the blood group type & not just entered it from a walkthrough.)
Post edited June 05, 2012 by plumgas
Ok that solved the problem. I could have sworn Mac said AB though... Oh well. Maybe I need to get my hearing checked, lol.
sgreig: Ok that solved the problem. I could have sworn Mac said AB though... Oh well. Maybe I need to get my hearing checked, lol.
glad its working for you now
If you listen carefully, Mac tells you the criminal has AB negative blood type.