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Holy Crap this is a thing!?


I've been thinking about diving back into this game every now and then, but then I quickly recall that it hasn't aged too well (at least not graphically... or control-wise...).

Looks like they're doing an amazing job with the video remaster so far...

Am so looking forward to this...
Post edited April 19, 2022 by squid830
I'm looking forward to the remaster, as well. One of my favorite games of my teen years, and the first full priced game I bought for myself after getting my first job.
Anyone got a clue when this is due to release? I can't find anything beyond an update from April 6 2022. It almost seems as if this is in the same development hell as Poisoned Pawn. Yes I get they're doing a massive amount of work (provided it's still being actively worked on) and I'm quite content to have it done slow and correct rather than fast and dirty. It's just that it has been nearly 6 months and still no recent update, and with the way Poisoned Pawn went down the drain it's fair to have some (hopefully misplaced) concerns.
Zanythos: snip
No date has been given

Although PP has spun down, this remaster is officially being developed by BFG and they have shown the amount of effort put forth on rebuilding levels and remastering the video. @ChronoWolf has also detailed his efforts as an official BFG employee about the game development cycle on more recent interviews or podcasts mentioning that the DEV team is small but hard at work.

My personal hope is they are using this as the springboard to possibly remaster their other games or develop a new sequel post Tesla since Aaron Connors is publishing another book in the series (listed as the 'final text murphy novel')
I do hope this leads to a remaster of Under A Killing Moon. It feels like this game is the one that needs it the most.
POLE7645: I do hope this leads to a remaster of Under A Killing Moon. It feels like this game is the one that needs it the most.
absolutely - and bigger picture, complete the remaster of Overseer (I'm unfortunately doubtful the Poisoned Pawn remaster will ever see a release). From memory, Big Finish Games did a bunch of work already on the video remastering and did some new material as well. Here's hoping their work on PD will jump start remasters of the other games and possibly lead into a new Tex game for the upcoming Aaron Connors book The Romanov Enigma.

A lot of the possibilities will likely come down to how well the remaster(s) sell, so hope folks jump on PD Remastered and any others if they materialize!
Well, had some time to look around, the project seems is still alive. October 2023, BFG released some early previews on youtube.

On their own website though, no update since december 2022.

EDIT: There are more updates on their facebook page, so good!!
Post edited February 12, 2024 by Mrsemme
I would love to see this remaster soon, instant-buy. The release date of the new Tex Murphy's book (i bought the existing four), would be a perfect day;-)
Well there is still work in progress. This was posted in Big finish games:

Edit: Wrote Bug rather than Big. Sorry.
Post edited April 28, 2024 by Mrsemme