Posted February 23, 2015

The big question is: Is the game completable with this bug? I can live with some glitches, but if I'm not able to finish it, I'm not sure if I bother playing at all.

this problem can be on win 8 or win 7 & is graphic driver problem, at first I thought it was the never nvidia drivers but I have found this is incorrect. it can happen on onboard graphics & also graphic cards. I have 2 pc with identical graphic cards & using the same latest driver I found one works & the other doesn't.
the only option is play on another pc or change the graphic driver. if you have graphic card & also onboard on your system, setup overseer.exe under manage 3d settings in the nvidia control panel try both cards this way & if both drivers work this way try another pc.
I do have a displayport on my motherbord, but I can't understand what value(s) I should change in the 3d settings for overseer.exe