so good to hear about all these great adventure games again. Though I must admit I never knew about Ripper nor Black Dahlia, I do agree that Blade Runner, the three Gabriel Knight episodes, both Phantasmagorias (I found the first one a bit better as I found the end of the second one was really confusing and weird, but, nonetheless, great atmosphere in those) and Discworld Noir are really, really good adventure games that are truly worth playing if you enjoyed the Tex Murphy serie.
Karma313th: Other than that, it's not noir, but the recent Sherlock Holmes games from Frogware are quite good. They use an interface somewhat similar to PD/UAKM in that you're working from a first person perspective with direct control and are having to spot/analyze clues in the environment (a 3d representation of Victorian London). Pretty much anything from Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened on is good.
Well, about the Sherlock Holmes games, I must say that I was quite disappointing by the "Awakened" (and I'm as fond of Conan Doyle's writings as of Lovecraft's... in fact, that might be why I didn't like it : Holmes' cartesian mind vs. the indicibility of the Great Ones didn't stick together !). I found the older Sherlock Holmes to be much more interesting though less good-looking (if I might say). I'm talking about "The Case of the Silver Earring" (which is available on GOG), the "Rose Tattoo" IIRC (more like a FMV game, with real actors and all...) and the "Serrating Scalpel" (with a scenario very close to the most recent one, "...vs. Jack the Ripper", but in an old-fashioned point'n'click kind of way).
Reminds me I have to ask GOG about those last two in the correct thread (I mean "the Rose Tattoo" and "the Serrated Scalpel", I don't give a shit about "Jack the Ripper" as it is not old, nor really good ).
See ya, I'm off to turn my whole house upside down, looking for my old "Blade Runner" CDs, thanks to you all, well done !!! ;-)
EDIT : Ha, ha !!! Found it !!! The Holy "Blade Runner" !!! Now, let's just hope it works under Win7...
EDIT (bis) : Of course it doesn't run under Win7 ! What was I thinking ?!
Eventually, and luckily, thanks to the providential help of Mr Steve Simenic and Mr David Millington [
http://www.davidmillington.net/news/index.php/2008/03/26/blade_runner_game_vista_64] (pretty sure this link might come in handy to anyone else trying to play the game under a 64 bit OS) , I managed to make it work however ! How glad I am !!! Replicants, the hunt is on !!!