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Hi all,

We've uploaded new installers that will update your game to version 1.4. Please download the installer that matches your OS in order to get the latest and greatest version of the game :)




Support for scrolling in the map
Camera zoom near the cat picture
Loading graphics in the rare case that scenes aren't loaded when they're needed


A grey box no longer showing when the game is launched
Removed constant walk-sound in the cathedral
Crash when entering the menu from 'Trials'
The bird boss is now more likely to take damage when hit from the inside


Better support for Japanese language
Egg bombs can now be shot whith the tesla staff
Improved performance around the rain animations in the city
The physics now run at 120hz, which matches more monitor frequencies
The tower doors now preload 2 scenes, for convenience



Fixed bug when a slow machine might not have loaded a level in time
Fixed bug where bosses would desynchronize with the sound when menu was opened
Fixed bug where the player could avoid entering the final area
Fixed bug where the player either jumps or falls from a wall when leaning out
Fixed bug where the player would fall from a wall for no reason


Improved empty saved game slots now show the text 'Empty' in light grey
Improved graphics of conveyor belts, should now be synchronized better
Improved magnetflies won't fly around when they're not visible any longer
Improved use of light in some scenes (for better performance)
Reduced memory consumption drastically in general
Reduced total size of the game through better use of compression

Thanks and have a nice day :)
Great! Thanks!
Should the galaxy client pick this up automatically?