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This game looks impressively ambitious, with some impressively original spins on things and what looks to be a lot of grounding in reality to boot.

Really hope this game lives up to these ambitions.

Best of luck, will most likely insta-buy this when it becomes available.
I hope there will be a way to bypass or fast track the Eath political parts.
Post edited January 07, 2022 by nallWhite
I hope this will be better than X-COM 4. I agree this is ambitious. What promises sounds very good. I hope there will be different science, mission and skill trees for each faction and thus even different chains of plot events.
I am sure this game will be a great achievement.

The only thing that concerns me is the learnign curve.
Could be like "Shadow Empire" (Which is great), or even more time consuming. You need days or even weeks to learn how to play. If you don't find the time to learn, you probably should not be playing it at all. I don't know if I can free my calender much.
definitively a n ambicious project..

Wish a space part handling in the style of the Jupiter incident.

I my wildest daydream, it would be possible to have different level of handling, grand startegy ( politicals events...) or just operrators that make the difference ( for the ship battle ) , while you see the world change according the grand plans.

Courage guys!
nallWhite: I hope there will be a way to bypass or fast track the Eath political parts.
Doesn't seem like there would be much of anything left if this were possible.
nallWhite: I hope there will be a way to bypass or fast track the Eath political parts.
Blameless: Doesn't seem like there would be much of anything left if this were possible.
Thats a good point. I just hate politics in general. I took a risk and just bought it. Watched a bunch a playthroughts over the weekend.