Pfreaker: what kind of experience did you have with the temple? Love the game and have played it through several times, trying out different party or solo setups.
But have also abandoned the game a few times due to save corruption, much as I said before,
if the saves start going bad, they'd go bad repeatedly on different situations, I'd have as many as five
separate saves and then none of them would work. Or I'd have to go to an hour old working save,
and then when the saves would go bad again I'd just not have the energy to again go an hour or more backwards.
I usually keep a couple of rotating saves from a village, and another rotating set of saves from the dungeon.
So I'd lose only a few minutes at best if the dungeon set has a working save, or a few hours to a whole day
if need to go back to an older village save.
Using the same save system on most RPG's. They don't all crash, but many have "
should have done this thing earlier, now you're screwed" situations.