iivZubhKAqozGeXv: I can confirm this issue as well.
Also, I am now getting constant pop-up's that nag for an "
automatic monthly recurring donation".
paid subscription )
These issues also effect people who "donated" at te4.org, even after they connect online to their te4.org account.
Same problems, using the GOG or te4.org version.
I tested the following versions : ( game v1.5.10 )
te4.org ( Windows / Linux32 / Linux64 )
GOG ( Windows / Linux )
This is a really sneaky way of pushing DRM onto a paying customer.
ToME is free software with donator benefits by design, full stop. You get more item vault slots if you donate more, plus the currency for new DLC releases (if you plan on buying only GOG items, you don't care about the latter). What GOG and Steam sells is the version available to dnators. If you take a look at how the site sells the game, you'll understand a bit more.
https://te4.org/donate Now, whether you can call that DRM or donationware is up to debate. I don't really know if it's even possible to get rid of the donation notices for certain builds or by addon. There's an option that turns off all online features, but you're shutting yourself out of a pretty good list of things (the option description lines out a lot). It's more for the free players.